Editor’s Blog
Service Resumed!
Many thanks to my in-house, coffee-fuelled IT department!
Plugin Problems
Due to something to do with updates which ran overnight, I have had to disable the Quick Booking part of this website, along with anything to do do with WooCommerce and Quick Invoice Payments until I can get it fixed.
The rationale behind charging for sample edits.
The willingness (or reluctance) of an author to pay for a sample edit is a clear indication that they acknowledge that your time is as valuable as the skills they want to employ you for. Many other service industries charge a call out fee to cover the time it takes them to assess the work in question, and a sample edit is no different. Even web developers charge a consultation fee and editorial services are no different. This is why you should not be put off when editors. charge for their samples.
Amazon’s Hall of Spinning Knives | David Gaughran
There has been a lot of disturbing news recently, about how Kindle is treating its authors.
Is your book edit ready?
Many new writers have been caught by surprise by the idea that all you have to do once completing your first draft is to find an editor to spruce it up with a proofread. This could not be further from reality.
Basic novel structure
With NaNoWriMo fast approaching, there will be many writers embarking on a new writing project this November. With this in mind, I have put this free PDF together to serve as a basic guide for outlining… While the information in this poster is by no means exhaustive, it does offer a sound framework.
I haven’t forgotten you…
Service update.
A few words on being a good client…
Good customer service does not mean being a doormat or accepting poor treatment just to get the client. Good customer service requires effort on behalf of the client too.
Welcome to my new website!
Here it is! I've now closed down the old editing blog and copied my posts across so I am only managing one website. This site allows you to send enquiries, view prices and services, as well as read news and advice on writing, editing and self-publishing, all in...